Monday, October 29, 2007

Television: Heroes and X-Men anyone?

Okay, so is it just me or is Heroes turning into X-Men? Let's see, in the most recent episode we've got some doctor, "Bob", who is trying to convert a virus to counteract the mutations, but may lead to infecting the general public. Does this sound familiar? Good, because it sure seems familiar to me.

I thought this show was very much like X-Men from the beginning, but my friend told me I was full of it because the show was much different. Phewy! Shouldn't everyone be able to put the points together? I'm not saying Heroes is bad because it is basically a different telling of X-Men. On the contrary, I really like the show. It has pretty good character development once they got passed the first half of the first season; the first half had way too much jumping between characters. The quality is good, probably one of the best produced shows on today. Point is that people need to just realize X-Men was quite original and Heroes is just a good retelling.

To sum it up, Heroes is bascially X-Men with a different take, but still one of the best shows around! That's my take anyway.

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